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Spider Vein Treatment Options on Long Island

Spider veins are clusters of blue and red veins that sometimes resemble a spider web, They are a very common occurrence. Patients of any age can develop spider veins, and while they have a strong appearance that people associate with a cosmetic issue, there are other symptoms that can develop as well. Itching, burning, and even aches near the veins can be uncomfortable and painful – certain weather conditions can also exacerbate the condition. Pregnant women also report experiencing these symptoms. Fortunately, there are solutions and here at Island Vein Specialists, we’ve been at the forefront of tackling spider vein issues for years.

couple hiking in field

Spider Vein Specialist

Sclerotherapy is one of the most popular forms of spider vein treatments available. During the procedure, the chemical sclerosant is injected into the vein, which helps to shut the vein down and stop blood flow. At times, “double-injury” techniques are employed as well, which involve a special laser. This technique is more minimal in terms of visual recovery because it eliminates the staining of the skin, which can happen with traditional forms of sclerotherapy. Best of all, this procedure is noninvasive and can be done both on the legs and face. Local anesthetic is used during the procedure to minimize any immediate discomfort during the procedure. Sclerotherapy is designed to be a spider vein treatment option that is outpatient and requires little recovery time. Our team prides itself on making the procedures safe, efficient, and highly effective in treatment a variety of spider vein conditions.

woman rubbing legs

Vein Surgery Procedures

Here at Island Vein Specialists, we want to ensure that our patients are comfortable before, during, and after our procedures. Being active and walking around to increase blood flow and circulation after the procedure is always highly recommended. Additionally, wearing compression stockings (if the procedure is done on the legs) helps to aid the healing process as well. Typically, pregnant women or those breast feeding are not candidates for sclerotherapy. Patients with heart conditions aren’t ideal either.

Vein Treatment That Works

If you or someone you know is struggling with spider veins, give us a call to schedule a consultation. Dr. Gallagher and our entire team have years of experience helping our patients get the results they need to rid themselves of spider veins. Get your confidence back with our easy sclerotherapy treatment options.

For advanced sclerotherapy treatment for spider veins on Long Island, contact Island Vein Specialists in Long Island, at our Mineola location at 516-524-1368 or at our West Islip location at 516-524-1368.

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